Respect at Work - Never Walk Past
  • Harassment – offensive, humiliating or intimidating behaviours

  • Sexual Harassment – offensive, humiliating behaviours of a sexual nature

  • Sex-based Harassment – unwanted or demeaning behaviour towards a person because of their sex

  • Hostile environment on the grounds of sex – offensive or inappropriate language, jokes, materials in the workplace

  • Bullying – repeated, unreasonable behaviour towards another person
  • Workplace violence – physical or verbal abuse, intimidation or threats

  • Unlawful discrimination – treating a person unfavourably for an unlawful reason, examples include race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, pregnancy, age, family responsibilities

  • Racial and Religious Vilification – a public act that encourages others to hate or ridicule a person because of their race or religion

  • Victimisation – Threatening or disadvantaging a person who has made a complaint on any of the above

In most cases, the intentions behind these behaviours don’t matter, only the impact on our people. The consequences of breaching this policy may include disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.

To support you in understanding the new policy, and how it affects you, you will be invited to complete training modules on Elev8.

You can read the new policy in a number of languages here:


If you need help or need to report an incident, you can contact your Line Manager, an HR representative or via our confidential Speak Up process (you can read more about that here):


PHONE: 1300 30 45 50 (AU) or 0800 42 50 08 (NZ)

SUPPORT: For 24/7 crisis / wellbeing support contact Telus Heath on 1300 361 008 (AU) or 0800 155 318 (NZ).

For more about our ongoing wellbeing support please see the Health & Wellbeing section on this page