CSR is committed to striving for a high standard of corporate governance, including reporting on the company’s activities to its shareholders.
The annual report – available to all shareholders – is a key part of CSR’s detailed investor relations program.
CSR’s annual and half year financial results are reviewed each year by senior management at investor briefings held in Sydney and Melbourne. These reviews are accessible via live webcasts on CSR’s website so that all shareholders can be kept continuously informed.
Shareholders are also invited to attend CSR’s Annual General Meeting (AGM), either physically or virtually. In circumstances when a physical AGM is not possible, additional measures will be implemented providing shareholders with the ability to ask questions and vote in real time during the meeting. The AGM can also be accessed via a webcast so that shareholders, regardless of location, can have immediate access to information presented, and issues raised at the meeting. In addition, the text of reports by the chairman and managing director at the AGM are lodged with ASX prior to the commencement of the AGM and will be made available on the CSR website.
Additional company information is available from the Investors and News section of the CSR website, including annual reports, media announcements, management presentations and company updates, and notices of meetings.
The website is immediately updated with new CSR publications and announcements after CSR receives confirmation that the releases have been lodged with the Australian Securities Exchange. Copies of all CSR publications are sent by mail to investors upon request. Investors who have registered their e-mail address with Computershare, CSR’s share registrar, are sent – electronically – new information released by the company. The twice yearly dividend mailings may also include other periodic communication from the company.