CSR recognises that shareholders and other stakeholders are entitled to be informed in a timely and readily accessible manner of all major developments affecting CSR.
The purpose of this Shareholder Communication Policy is to promote effective communication with shareholders and other stakeholders and to ensure effective participation at CSR's General Meetings.
This policy supplements CSR's Share Market Disclosure Policy and Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, which are available on CSR's website.
Methods of Communication
Information is provided to shareholders and other stakeholders through:
- releases to the Australian Securities Exchange ("ASX") in accordance with continuous disclosures obligations;
- news releases;
- investor presentations (e.g. analyst site tours);
- CSR's website;
- CSR's annual, half-yearly and sustainability reports; and
- the Annual General Meeting.
CSR encourages shareholders to receive Company information electronically by registering their email address online with the Company's shareholder registry at www.investorcentre.com/au .
Other methods of communication available to shareholders and other stakeholders include: telephone, mail, email, social media and webcasts.
ASX Releases
CSR makes announcements to the ASX in a timely manner in accordance with the ASX Listing Rules (see also: CSR’s Share Market Disclosure Policy).
All announcements made to the ASX are available to shareholders:
- under the Investors and News section of the CSR website (under “ASX Announcements”); or
- under the Company Announcements section of the ASX website.
Shareholders and other stakeholders can subscribe from the CSR website to receive copies of all ASX announcements by email following release.
CSR's Website
The Company's website includes:
- announcements lodged with the ASX;
- the half-yearly and yearly results announcements;
- the Annual Report and Notice of Annual General Meeting;
- the Chair and Managing Director addresses to the Annual General Meeting;
- webcasts of Annual General Meetings and results announcements;
- webcasts of half-yearly/annual results presentations to fund managers and financial analysts;
- the Sustainability Report;
- other presentations and briefings given to fund managers and financial analysts including those during site visits;
- share price information and dividend history;
- information concerning any current dividend reinvestment plan and any share purchase plan; and
- general information on the Company and its activities.
The Corporate Governance section includes
- CSR Corporate Governance Statement;
- information about CSR's Directors;
- the constitution;
- Board and Committee charters; and
- other Company policies that are likely to be of interest to shareholders and other stakeholders.
Half-Year and Full-Year Results
The financial results for the Half-Year ended 30 September are reported in November each year. The financial results for the Full-Year ended 31 March are reported in May each year.
The Half-Year and Full-Year Results are announced to the ASX pursuant to the Listing Rules and are available to shareholders in the same manner as other ASX announcements. The results are also available under the Presentations and Results section of CSR's website.
Immediately following the announcement to the ASX of CSR's Half-Year and Full-Year Results, a live webcast briefing is held by the Managing Director and Chief Financial Officer and is available to shareholders and other stakeholders under the Investors and News section of the CSR website (under ‘Webcasts’). Investors and analysts are given an opportunity to ask questions of the Managing Director, Chief Financial Officer and other relevant members of management.
Presentations made to investors and analysts will be available to all shareholders (under the Presentations and Results section of CSR's website) and are released to the ASX.
An archived webcast of the briefings for the Half-Year and Full-Year Results will be available to shareholders and other stakeholders under the Investors and News section of the CSR website (under 'Webcasts') for a period of twelve months.
Details of every meeting and conversation with analysts and investors are kept in a central location along with notes of each discussion.
Annual Report
The Annual Report contains key financial, operating and corporate information about CSR.
Where a shareholder has requested to receive a copy of the Annual Report, a copy will be either emailed or posted in accordance with the shareholder's stated preference prior to the Annual General Meeting within the timeframe set by the Corporations Act.
The Annual Report for the current year and previous years is available under the Investors and News section of the CSR website (under 'Annual Meetings and Reports'). Shareholders can also contact the CSR Share Registry if they require a copy of the Annual Report. A copy will be mailed to shareholders free of charge.
Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) provides an important opportunity for shareholders to ask questions of and express their views to the CSR Board and management and to vote on Board proposals. All shareholders are encouraged to attend the AGM, either physically or online.
Shareholders and interested members of the public who are unable to physically attend the AGM and have access to the internet will be able to hear and see a live webcast of the AGM on the CSR website (under 'Webcasts'). Shareholders can also participate in the AGM online with the ability to ask questions (both in writing an orally) and vote in real time during the meeting available from an online meeting platform.
Only in circumstances when a physical AGM is not possible and legislation permits, will the Company hold a virtual only meeting.
The date, time and location of the AGM will be provided:
- in the Notice of Meeting for the AGM;
- in the Annual Report; and
- on the CSR website.
The Notice of Meeting and proxy form will be made available to all shareholders prior to the AGM in the timeframe, and method, set by the Corporations Act. The full text of the Notice of Meeting will also be available under the 'Annual Meetings and Reports' section of CSR's website.
At the AGM, shareholders will be invited to ask questions about or comment on the results, operations, strategy and/or management of CSR and/or on the conduct of the audit and preparation and content of the auditor's report. The Chair will provide participating shareholders with a reasonable opportunity to ask questions and discuss resolutions. The auditor will be available at the meeting to answer questions and comment on matters relating to the audit.
There will be a live webcast of the AGM, and an archived webcast of the Chair's Address (and the Managing Director's Address) will be available with all other AGM materials under the Investors and News section of the CSR website (under 'Annual Meetings and Reports' and under ‘Webcasts'). The Chair's address and Managing Director's address will be lodged with the ASX prior to the commencement of the AGM and will be available to shareholders in the same manner as other ASX Announcements.
Share Registry
Shareholders with any questions related to their shareholding should contact the CSR Share Registry on telephone 1800 676 061 or +61 3 9415 4033. Alternatively, shareholders can write to:
Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited
GPO Box 2975, Melbourne, VIC 3001 Australia
Telephone (within Australia) 1800 676 061
International +61 3 9415 4033
Facsimile: 03 9473 2500
International: +61 3 9473 2500
Online contact: www.investorcentre.com/contact
Website: www.computershare.com.au
Details of individual shareholdings can be checked by visiting the CSR Share Registry website at www.computershare.com.au and clicking on the Investor Centre button. To register for online access, for security reasons, shareholders are required to key in their Securityholder Reference Number (SRN) or Holder Identification Number (HIN) plus last name and postcode, to enable access to personal information.
The Company normally pays dividends in December and July. Shareholders should retain, for taxation purposes, full details of dividend payments.
The following options are available to shareholders regarding payment of dividends:
- By direct deposit to an Australian bank, building society or credit union account.
- By direct deposit to a New Zealand or UK bank account.
- By Global Wire in a wide variety of currencies for payments greater than $100.
- For shareholders registered outside of Australia, New Zealand and the UK who do not have an Australian, New Zealand or UK bank account, by cheque payable to the shareholder in Australian dollars. Lost or stolen cheques should be reported immediately to the CSR Share Registry, in writing, to enable stop payment and replacement.
Payments are electronically credited on the dividend date and confirmed by a payment advice sent to the shareholder. Request forms for this service are available from the CSR Share Registry or by visiting www.computershare.com.au.
Shareholders can obtain historical dividend information under the Investors and News section of the CSR website (under 'Share Information' and then 'Dividend History'). This information includes the amount of the dividend and the level of franking. If shareholders require specific dividend information in respect of their own shareholding, they can obtain this by contacting the CSR Share Registry.
Dividend Reinvestment Plan
As an alternative to receiving cash dividends, eligible shareholders may elect by notification to the Share Registry, in writing, to participate in the Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRP). The DRP enables shareholders to use cash dividends to purchase fully paid CSR ordinary shares. Shareholders can obtain further information on the DRP under the Investors and News section of the CSR website (under ‘Share Information’ and then ‘Dividend Reinvestment Plan’).
The Board has the discretion to decide whether it will run the DRP in any year.
Reviewed and Updated: 30 June 2023
Next review date: September 2024